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We're driven, perhaps neurotically obsessed, by our belief that consumers have forever changed. Today people have more channels, more devices, more bright, shiny objects competing for their attention than ever before. How they spend their time has become fractured into bite size chunks, with advertising constantly surrounding whether they pay attention to it or not. This is why we refuse to follow the same old marketing approach. It's not about simply interrupting people anymore. It's about engaging them in the places they're actually paying attention and delivering a compelling message that creates not only an impact, but also a lasting memory.

Yes, Big Brother Is Watching You…And It’s A Good Thing….

Yes, Big Brother Is Watching You…And It’s A Good Thing….

by Josh Amidon


I’m mildly addicted to a show on CBS called Big Brother (fine, I’m lying. I’m a full-on addict). It’s a reality competition show where a group of contestants have their every move recorded and broadcasted for our enjoyment. Every conversation, every fight, every everything is there just for me to enjoy while drinking a glass of wine and eating my Halo Top Ice Cream.

The show gets its name from the George Orwell book “Nineteen Eighty-Fourbook”, Big Brother was the symbolic figurehead leader of government. In the novel, every citizen was under constant surveillance, mostly through cameras and everyone was constantly monitored.

Believe it or not, both you and I are living in the world of Big Brother. It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but did you know your every move is being recorded and broadcasted by your phone? Where you go, how long you stay there and what route you took to get home – all of it being recorded. Only, it’s not as nefarious as people would have you think.

There is a way to disable the tracking on your phone, but why? Sure, this info is being compiled and given to companies like Google and Facebook, but only so they can understand who you are, what you do and how to better target you for ads, news and potential new interests.    

Do you really think that disabling this feature will stop that ad before the YouTube video? No, of course not. If you have to watch the online ads, why not watch ones that interest you? I’ve cultivated my digital life to only show me ads, news articles, and friend updates that I care about. Being free and open with the software that follows you online and in the physical world is the only way to do it.

Example: I pride myself on getting information first and then being that person that says "have you heard...?" This week alone, I was informed of several key pieces of information that I might’ve not had the opportunity (as fast) to learn unless Facebook and Google were able to target me appropriately:

  • A new electronic giblet for my smartphone came out. It’s called Smove (I bought it and LOVE it).
  • Jessica Biel has a new TV show and apparently her career isn’t being Justin Timberlake’s wife anymore. That last part wasn't in the ad for her new show. 
  • Kesha’s new album comes out August 11th.
  • Anna Farris and Chris Pratt have separated (I don’t know what love is if these two can't make it work). 

Now, these things might not seem important to you, but to be fair, they aren’t supposed to. I was targeted to view these pieces of info….and I loved it!

Stay with me for a second, but close your eyes and imagine a world where you love watching the ads you’re forced to watch or listen to! It’s possible, I promise!

Lastly, if anyone wants to talk about this season of Big Brother - you can always reach me at josh@amidonmarketing.com.     

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